Summer is a fantastic time of the year because it gives people the chance to spend time outside while enjoying everything that nature has to offer. If you’ve always thought that you can’t enjoy flowers unless you live on a huge piece of property where you are able to have a large garden, think again.

Mixed Sun Basket
Annuals to Grow in Containers
Container grown plants will give you a lot of pleasure, especially since you can enjoy flowers in any size space. Hanging baskets can really transform a boring patio or balcony into an elegant outdoor living area, creating an extension of your indoor living space. If you don’t have a permanent space in which to grow things, annuals are your best choice. Annuals, unlike perennials, which come back every year, have to be replanted each year. Annuals flowers are fast growers, so you get a lot of reward in a short time.
Petunias are fun flowers to grow. They come in a huge range of different color combinations, including striped and multi-color varieties. They are super easy to grow, prefer full sun, and give you continuous enjoyment because they are prolific bloomers.
If you’re going to grow petunias, be prepared to pinch off the faded flowers after they bloom. This encourages the plant to produce more flowers. If you don’t pinch off the spent flowers, the plant puts its energy into producing seeds, giving you the opportunity to harvest and replant. But by pinching off the faded flowers, you can easily extend the blooming period and enjoy the lush beauty of your petunias even longer!

Petunia Hanging Basket
Our Petunia Hanging Basket is the perfect addition to a porch, a patio, a balcony, or even a deck. These delightful flowers are packed with color and are a rich sort of nectar, so you may even get a surprise visit from a hummingbird or exotic butterfly. Choose petunias for a sunny location.
If you don’t have a lot of bright direct sunlight, our Mixed Shade Basket or Fuchsia will transform a dreary shady porch or patio, into a bright and colorful oasis.

The key to keeping your hanging baskets looking beautiful all summer long is deadheading the flowers after they fade. Encourage more blooming by feeding them with a bloom-boosting water-soluble fertilizer.
Container grown plants always dry out faster than plants in the ground. That’s because the topsoil provides a protective layer that insulates the soil below the surface.

Mixed Shade Basket
Hanging baskets are wonderful because they give you the opportunity to add some interest to those outdoor areas that are usually ignored. You can count on Stadium Flowers to help you choose suitable hanging baskets for the growing conditions you have to offer them.