Stadium Flowers

Stadium Flowers

Posted by stadiumflowers on November 3, 2015 | Last Updated: December 18, 2020 Uncategorized

Stadium Flowers- Veterans Day

veterans dayNovember 11, 1918 marked the end of World War I hostilities between Allied Forces and Germany. Though the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, officially ending the war, November 11 remained as the sentimental day to remember the war’s end. The following year, the first Armistice Day was celebrated in Europe; in 1938, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States. After World War II and the Korean War, the name Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to honoring American veterans of all wars.


In 1968, Congress enacted the Uniform Holiday Bill, which guaranteed three-day weekends for federal employees. The bill applied to four holidays being celebrated on Mondays; Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day and Columbus Day. The observation of Veterans Day was set as the fourth Monday in October. However, in 1975, Gerald Ford restored the observance to November 11 , after it became apparent that the original date held sentimental meaning and national pride in the minds of many Americans, especially veterans.

veterans day

Every Veterans Day, an official and somber wreath-laying ceremony is held in Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Around the United States, parades and other celebrations are common. Because Veterans Day honors ALL veterans, not just the deceased, it is a well loved celebration of pride, bravery and heroism – and gives us the opportunity to personally thank the military for their service. If you have a friend or loved one who is a veteran, our Spirit of America bouquet is a great way to show your respect and admiration.


Stadium Flowers of Everett or Lynnwood would be honored to create a red, white and blue floral arrangement specific for your Airman. Soldier, Marine or Sailor. Stop in today, and let our expert florists give you ideas on great flowers and plants to send tribute to your American hero.