Stadium Flowers

Stadium Flowers

Posted by stadiumflowers on March 8, 2016 | Last Updated: December 18, 2020 Uncategorized

Stadium Flowers- Earth Day

earth day

Plants and flowers comprise a vital ecosystem that the Earth can literally not live without. Plants play a crucial role in detoxifying the air; by producing oxygen and taking in carbon dioxide and toxins, plants are lifesavers and life enhancers. In that regard, every day is a day to celebrate Earth Day at Stadium Flowers.


Earth Day was first observed in 1970, the brainchild of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson. In addition to fighting passionately for civil rights, Nelson was a dedicated advocate of conservation and environmental protection. Elected to the Senate in 1962, the same year that Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, Nelson was often frustrated in his efforts to bring environmental concerns to the government. Getting no satisfaction in Washington DC, he turned to the public for support, and declared that April 22, 1970 , would be a “national day for the environment”. The response from the American people was stunning, as more than 20 million citizens showed up for Earth Day activities. Those types of numbers get attention, and the government finally realized that the voters were interested in these initiatives, resulting in the rapid establishment of the EPA and the passage of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

earth day earth day

Earth Day is now recognized around the globe in nearly 200 nations, who all commemorate the need for environmental consciousness on the same day, April 22. Right here in Everett, there are Earth Day celebrations; Seattle is also known for events and gatherings. One of the activities that is popular on Earth Day is the planting of trees to replenish those that have been lost due to urban growth and construction efforts.


Another great way to commemorate Earth Day is by bringing more plants and flowers home. Plants are known to make home and office environments more healthy, more productive and more serene – experts say that for maximum benefit, you should have one living plant for every 100 square feet of space! Stadium Flowers has the green plants and flowering plants that will make your own personal Earth Day beautiful.