When time, finances, or other circumstances beyond your control prevent you from escaping to a relaxing paradisal retreat, then the next best option is to bring the relaxing retreat to your home. It’s easier than you think! With just a few (ok, maybe a lot) of green plants inside your home, you’ll be able to enjoy a relaxing tranquil retreat from your very own couch.

A Relaxing Green Retreat Is Just a Few Plants Away
Beautiful, exotic, and unique, the orchid is flower cherished and coveted by many. It’s a flower that adds a tropical feel to any space and provides a wonderful sense of color, fragrance, and texture. It’s perfect for setting the mood for relaxation and enjoyment.
Janet Craig
A hardy and excellent indoor plant, the Dracaena Janet Craig is also a showstopper. There is something magnetic and magnificent about its full, lush green leaves that rest in a bunch atop each stem. You’ll definitely feel like you’re in another land with a few of these around your home.
Bird of Paradise
Bold, big, and fabulous…. the Bird of Paradise plant is a fabulously lush and vibrant plant that makes its presence known wherever it ends up. With enormous, glossy green leaves that spring from thin, elegant stems, this is a plant that is striking while also being quite elegant. A hardy houseplant, under the right conditions and proper care, it may even bloom it’s incredibly colorful and amazing bird-like flowers indoors.
Pineapple Plant
Cute, round, spikey, and distinctively tropical, the Pineapple plant brings a wonderfully exotic touch to your home. Plus, since it’s a part of the Bromeliad plant family, it brings with it air-purifying and toxic eliminating qualities.
Frizzle Sizzle
A real eye-catcher, the interesting and quirky Frizzle Sizzle plant is a succulent with thick green stems that have spiral-shaped ends that resemble a corkscrew. This awesome exotic-looking plant also blooms yellow flowers that have a light, sweet scent.
Go Big with Large Indoor Plants to Capture Serenity
Tall plants and trees go with any type of interior and because of their size, its easy to think of them more as living pieces of sculpture or art. With indoor trees and plants, you can cultivate your own living decor. Tall tree-like plants are excellent for adding life and color to bare nooks, crannies, and corners. They liven up a room and bring a feeling of freshness and serenity to the home. Good choices of large indoor plants include the Schefflera plant, Bamboo Palm, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Ficus Tree, or Corn Plant.
Once you have set all of the larger plants in place, you can begin arranging small container plants on shelves, counters, windowsills, etc. to fill out any remaining spaces that could use a perk of green. Plus, don’t forget about hanging planters – they’re a great way to have green plants at eye level without using up any floor or counter space. So, don’t delay any longer, commence the acquiring of greenery in your home stat!. There isn’t a better or more cost-effective way of creating a little piece of tropical paradise in your home.
For more plant ideas or to see some additional selections, Stadium Flowers, Everett and Greater Seattle’s best florist, is here to help you in all things plant and flower related.